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            "I Like your christ but I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ" - Gandhi

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


not much to say right now! maybe tomorrow , maybe not.

Monday, May 22, 2006

I love this a latte'

This comic artist is getting sued for the remake of Starbucks classic mermaid logo. Why? details here

What do you think? Should he be sued? As a former ex-barista of Starbucks, I would say he's not far from the truth but man do they make a good Grande, soy, 2 1/2 pump sugar-free vanilla, @ 168 degrees, 1 splenda latte'. Oh and there's supposed to be caramel on that!!!! Why blame the company? Its us! We want our lattes'
And we'll do anything to get them!

I recall this lady who comes in twice a day, everyday. Her drink of preferance was an Iced venti Non-fat, 3 pump mocha, with no whip. Thats about $4.50 a drink. Total = around $9 dollars a day. Well, one day I asked her how things were going (those are the rules, engage with customer and pretent you care), and she told me not so well, she had lost her job about two weeks ago & has had no luck finding another one but there was no way thet she would go with out her drink! (those were her words).
Starbucks is just giving the people what they want! Consumption -
con·sump·tion n
1. the eating or drinking of something, or the amount that a person eats or drinks
2. the use of natural resources or fuels or the amount of resources or fuels used
3. the purchase and use of goods and services by consumers, or the quantity of goods and services purchased
4. any condition that causes progressive wasting of the tissues, especially tuberculosis of the lungs (dated)

Encarta® World English Dictionary © 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Developed for Microsoft by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.

Why hide the truth! Be real! Starbucks serve us while we serve ourselves!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

church softball

So last night, Monday (May 15), I went to go watch my Dad play Americas Greatest Past Time, baseball. Its accually softball, but thats not really relevant. What is relevant is that this was church softball. Anyways, he has been playing on this team for about 10 years and lives for it. The team belongs to my old church which my parents still attend. It is such a familiar place being ther watching my Dad. I remember when I was in Jr. high being @ every game. Even in High School, I never missed one of his games. However, as a kid I guess I never got to just sit and watch what really goes on. Man, what a weird group. First off, Ive never seen so much grumbling about nothing. "Was he safe or not?" It was accually really funny. There was 4 teams playing from from different churches. The group was mixed. It was one Assembly of God Church, one Foursquare Church, One Church of God church and one Catholic Church. All in all the game was some what good. I just thought it was very interesting how aside from the indiviual jersey's with the church logo's on them, a stranger could probably walk on the scene and not know any difference between this league and a secular league. The real concern was during the 6th ending. Two guys from the other team on another fielfd had a head on collision. It was bad. Both guys were knocked out on the ground. Both were bleeding pretty bad. Turned out that both had to be taken to the hospital by the ambulance. My problem is that while this was all happening the other two teams were still playing softball! What! It was hard not to be bothered by it because to me it was just a dumb softball game. These guys were hurt, bad! Not to mention the fact that these were all supposed believers (Im assuming). Ahhh, I dont know. Maybe Im to motivated out of my own frustration. I could go on but I would just be voicing empty opinions. Sorry.
P.S. I really do love the Church, seriously! Please dont take this as another raving on the failure of the church, becuase its not. Its merely situational. Much love.

Monday, May 15, 2006

my conviction

I have recently come across an interesting website. evilbible.com Im sure I dont need to explain much more. The name is says it all. It is a site completely dedicated to disproving and distorting scripture. The organization is very zealous in doing so. I do commend them on their study (as bias and false as it may be). They have done an extreme amount of reseach and have sufficiently supplied their opposition. As I sat and read every article my spirit sank. I looked at the carefullly selected passages (mostly from of the Old Testament) & watch as they were misused and distorted. I began to worry. I wondered to myself, "How many of the people in our churches could read these articles & not be shaken in their faith?" I couldn't help assume few. My second question was, "How much damage has this done in the eyes of unbelievers?" I have no doubt that the issues are from scripture. They do an excellent job of siting them. They even stick to good solid translations (NAS, NIV). However, they have taken these verses and tried to understand them with no guidance from the spirit. They concentrate on the wrath of God and how in their eyes this is unjust, and cruel. Some examples: RITUAL HUMAN SACRIFICE IN THE BIBLE, RAPE IN THE BIBLE, MURDER IN THE BIBLE, JESUS LIED, EVIL BIBLE QUOTES, & lastly a TOP 10 LIST on how to figure on whether or not your a fundamentalist christian (which was quite funny). However, I wonder how many of my high school students can read this and be ok?

The Problem:

  • The problem is not the site. In fact, they are asking some very important questions. Its just their in no position to explain them --- Then who should? Why does this suprise people in our churches? Are we avoiding these issues? Why does stuff like this directly oppose the heart of the American Christianity and its understanding of God?
  • I think that given a few years back something like this would have rocked me. I would have had no biblical foundation to stand on. Which seems to be the norm of some believers. I think that in order better see things like this one must see the motives of people/groups who propose such accusation. This shouldn't be a suprise when we face this stuff, Jesus promised it. What to do you expect from depraved people? We were in no better state before salvation. Don't expect non-christaians to act like christians. We can't even get some christians to act like chirstians. The second thing is to know your bible and know your God. Accuracy is key. Not all things God orchestrates and ordains make us feel good. However, we shouldnt hide these or avoid them.

My easy solution is to hope that people never end up on this site, but I know thats not the answer. The anwser is to prepare and equip the body for these things. Im not speaking from apologetics stand point but a biblical stand point. We must do it by simply teaching it and not avoiding it. Im not talking about a special class limited to those who care to take it but a weekly theme in our services (given thats the subject).

Concluding... who knows if im right or not. I just get scared. Im scared that I wouldnt be prepare upon somebody questioning these issues and looking to me to have an anwser. I dont know all there is but I do take this as motivation to know more.

To my suprise this whole issue has caused me to evaluate some other issues. I have a dear family friend who is converting to mormonism. Her baptism is coming up and I am figuring out whether to go or not. My instant thought to the situation is negative. I have many opinions about the religion. Most of them taken from carm.org, my infaliable, one-stop-shop for apologetic truth (sarcasm) . They have a nice concise 5 point nutshell on what's wrong with the religion. I don't doubt most of the things CARM notes as truth. I know mormanism is false but I dont want to rely on CARM for that conclusion. After seeing Evilbible.com and the way they handled scripture I can't help think thats what we do with CARM (although I dont at all think thats the goal of carm). We goto site's like these with a presupposition of finding the proofs to prove the religion wrong. Ironically, this is based on the research of others with that very goal in mind. I know that CARM quotes the very writtings of Joseph Smith and others but so does evilbible.com do with scripture. I know Im spliting hairs and most likely being unclear in exactly what Im saying. None the less, I have decided to study the material in which morman author's develope. I have actually begun this process and have already validated some of the data carm.org has already confirmed but I feel better doing so through their writtings rather then carm. My goal is to better understand the religoin in the context of how they understand it. At the same time I want to discover & and uncover what is hidden (the skeletons in the closet). This is really nothing against carm or apologetics but rather the way people use them. I just feel that we rely too much on these sort of things and are never allowed to question them. Imagine if thats what we did with evilbible. com.

goodnight! (its late, sorry about any misspellings)

communist party

Thursday, May 11, 2006

8:31 am

my paper is done. Thanks to my first all nighter.


Church office
Church History
Greek Exegesis
Sugar-free red bulls
Iced Coffee
hot Chocolate
beef jerky
ambient beats
lots more to go...

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Tonight as I study...

...i will be depending on these!